How to Determine the Accuracy of Your Biopharma Targets

August 7, 2023

Critical to the productivity and efficiency of your sales force is ensuring the optimal targets are being identified and assigned the proper call frequency.  In a previous blog post, we introduced the five key criteria of target and call plan effectiveness, which we summarized into an easy-to-remember acronym and diagnostic tool called GAPPS®, and delved into the second “P” of the GAPPS® criteria: proportion of unproductive calls.  In this blog post, we delve into the “A” of the GAPPS® criteria: accuracy of target types.

What is GAPPS®?

GAPPS® is an acronym and diagnostic tool for the five key criteria of biopharma target and call plan effectiveness:

Each criterion looks at prescriber target and call plan effectiveness through a different lens, allowing for a comprehensive and multifaceted view when considered together.  When the diagnostic tool is applied, each criterion is statistically evaluated on a scale from 1.0 to 5.0, which is then combined into an overall rating that sheds light into the strengths and weaknesses of the targeting and call plan strategy.

Let’s explore the “A” of GAPPS®: accuracy of target types.

What is Accuracy of Target Types?

The accuracy of target types criterion investigates the degree to which prescribers have been properly assigned to prescriber segments (i.e., high call activity targets, low call activity targets, non-targets, etc.).  In order to do this, the analysis must also distinguish between prescribers in a segment who were properly called on versus those who were not properly called on (i.e., whether the prescriber was called on in a manner consistent with the assigned call plan).

Some of the questions this criterion seeks to answer include:

Are top properly called on targets growing more than top prescribers from other prescriber segments?

If top prescribers from other prescriber segments are growing more than top properly called on targets, then properly called on targets are not outperforming other prescriber segments

What proportion of top growth prescribers are properly called on targets? 

If properly called on targets do not make up the vast majority of top growth prescribers, then the call plan or targets are not accurately set

Is there a consistent advantage or disadvantage to over- or under-calling targets?  Other prescriber segments?

If there is a consistent advantage to over- or under-calling targets or other prescriber segments, then the assigned call plan is not optimal

Answers to questions such as these provide insight into the degree to which targets and target types are accurate.


As demonstrated by the GAPPS® acronym, prescriber target and call plan effectiveness is a multifaceted concept that is made up of multiple criteria.  In this blog post, we explored one such criterion: accuracy of target types.  The accuracy of target types criterion investigates how well prescribers have been assigned to prescriber segments, and if properly called on targets are outperforming other prescriber segments.  Request a free consultation with us today to get started on revitalizing your targeting and call plan strategy to ensure maximum sales force productivity and efficiency.


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