Mastering Assumptive Selling Techniques: Tips and Strategies

Are you tired of struggling to close deals and looking for a way to boost your sales game? Assumptive selling techniques might be just what you need. In this post, we'll be covering the purpose, strategy, tools, and tips for using assumptive selling techniques to close more deals and increase your revenue.

A sales rep is using assumptive selling techniques on her prospect


The Purpose of Assumptive Selling Techniques

The purpose of assumptive selling techniques is to make the sale feel like a done deal before it actually is. This involves assuming that the customer is going to make a purchase and acting accordingly. By using assumptive selling techniques, you can create a sense of urgency and increase the likelihood of closing the deal.


The Strategy of Assumptive Selling

The strategy behind assumptive selling is to build rapport with the customer and understand their needs, and then present a solution that meets those needs. Once you've presented your solution, you can use assumptive language and body language to make it seem like the sale is a done deal. Here are a few tips for using assumptive selling techniques:


  • Use "we" language: By using "we" language, you can create a sense of partnership and make it seem like the sale is already a done deal. For example, instead of saying "Do you want to buy this product?", you might say "We're excited to get started with this product. When would you like to schedule the delivery?"


  • Use confident body language: Confident body language, such as maintaining eye contact and standing up straight, can help create a sense of certainty and make it seem like the sale is a done deal.


  • Use positive language: Using positive language, such as "when" instead of "if" and "already" instead of "yet," can also create a sense of certainty and make the sale seem like a done deal. For example, instead of saying "If you decide to go with our product, we can get started next week," you might say "When you're ready to get started with our product, we can schedule the delivery for next week."


The Tools for Assumptive Selling

There are a few tools that can be helpful when using assumptive selling techniques. These include:


  • Testimonials

Testimonials from satisfied customers can be a powerful tool in your sales pitch. Share real-life stories of how your product or service has made a difference for others.


  • Case studies

Use case studies to show potential customers the results that other companies have achieved through your products or services. This can help build credibility and make your sales pitch more persuasive.


  • Visual aids

Visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and infographics can be helpful in explaining the benefits of your product or service and making your sales pitch more compelling.


Tips for Assumptive Selling

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when using assumptive selling techniques:


  • Build rapport: It's important to build rapport with the customer and understand their needs before using assumptive selling techniques. This will help you tailor your pitch and make it more relevant and appealing.


  • Be confident: It's important to be confident in your product or service and your ability to sell it. This will help you come across as sincere and genuine, and make it more likely that you'll close the deal.


  • Respect the customer's decision: It's important to respect the customer's decision, even if they decide not to make a purchase. This will help maintain a positive relationship and make it more likely that they'll consider doing business with you in the future.


Examples of Assumptive Sales Techniques

Here are a few examples of how you might use the techniques and tools described above to use assumptive selling techniques to ask for the sales:


  • "We've had a lot of success with our product and I'm confident it will be a great fit for your company. When would you like to schedule the delivery?"


  • "Our service has helped a lot of companies increase their sales and improve their bottom line. I'm confident it can do the same for you. When can we schedule a meeting to discuss the details?"


  • "I understand that cost is a concern for you. Let me show you how our pricing compares to our competitors and how the long-term benefits of our product can outweigh the initial investment. When would you like to discuss this further and see if our product is the right fit for your business?"



Assumptive selling techniques can be a powerful tool in your sales arsenal. By using techniques like using "we" language, confident body language, and positive language, and leveraging tools like testimonials, case studies, and visual aids, you can effectively use assumptive selling to close more deals and increase your revenue. Just remember to build rapport, be confident, and respect the customer's decision.

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