The Weight Loss Medication Dilemma: A Physician’s Perspective

A female social media influencer filming a video about medications

Survey any physician if they’ve been asked by a patient about a prescription weight loss medication and you’ll hear a resounding “yes.” The recent Sermo Barometer confirms that 89% of 300+ global practitioners have seen an increase in patients proactively requesting prescription weight loss medications.1 I predict this number will only steadily increase. If you ask physicians where they think patients heard about these medications, I predict they’ll say from an influencer.

Influencers moving into pharma marketing isn’t new. However, nothing has prepared and shocked physicians for the onslaught of patient questions involving the word-of-mouth marketing of prescription weight loss medications. These social figures can shape public perception while overshadowing the complex reality of weight loss management. The same survey finds that 77% of physicians feel that Hollywood celebs and influencers’ embrace of prescription weight loss medications causes patients to have unrealistic expectations of the medications.

While influencers have set the bar high in terms of what these medications can accomplish for patients, doctors will have to navigate expectations to bring our patients back to reality. While side effects are anticipated with prescription weight loss medications (77% of physicians said their patients experienced side effects) an eye-opening 65% reported that their patients stopped taking the medication as a result of side effects. Additionally, 63% said dosing escalation schedules have posed adherence issues with their patients. Physicians want to see patients have a successful treatment plan and stopping a medication due to a side effect obviously will not achieve that.

Becoming Social Media Interpreters

Pharma marketers have the potential to be great patient education partners. Demand for prescription weight loss drugs is only predicted to grow, especially with an oral form on the horizon—84% of physicians reported they believe their patients would be more interested in this form of the medication as well as additional condition approvals anticipated.

Countering expectations set by influencers is going to be the new norm for physicians. Preventative health crazes seen all over TikTok and Instagram show no signs of stopping any time soon. For example, 42% of physicians reported patients have inquired about whole-body MRI scans—the latest frenzy we’re seeing. Preventive healthcare is important and not capitalized on enough, but physicians need to encourage patients to follow proven advice, not that of Kim Kardashian.

Not all of what patients see on social media is a bad development for physicians. Social media has actually made patients more enthusiastic participants in their health. However, physicians now have to be prepared to be the guide in translating what’s seen online into reality. This wasn’t a class we took in medical school and will have to be learned in real time. While this will likely frustrate physicians, being the social media interpreter is an important role we have to embrace.



  • Ashish Rana, MD

    Ashish Rana, MD is Internal Medicine Program Director and Associate Chair of Academic Medicine at Crozer Health. In addition to his position at Crozer Health in Upland, PA, Dr. Rana also serves as Professor of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine. He attended medical school at SUNY, Stony Brook and trained at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Working in academics has enabled him to teach hundreds of medical students and residents. Dr. Rana has served as a member of the Sermo Medical Advisory Board since its inception in 2021.


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