AdTheorent Health Unveils the Industry’s First and Only Predictive Audiences for Health Advertisers

AdTheorent Health, a division of AdTheorent Holding Company, Inc. that delivers privacy-first machine learning-based advertising solutions to drive measurable outcomes for healthcare marketers, today announced the launch of AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences. AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences allow programmatic advertisers to target “audiences” in a more precise, data-driven, and less opaque manner than was previously possible. AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are fully customized based on advertiser requirements and use primary-sourced healthcare data and statistics to identify the most qualified audiences for targeting consideration—without relying on personalized information or user IDs.

How it works:

AdTheorent aggregates health data from hospital and healthcare provider claims, electronic health records, as well pharmacy and contextual data representing 300+ million patients and healthcare professionals, which equates to more than 90% of the U.S. population. This aggregated health data is mined to create statistical representations of desired target audiences (i.e., condition sufferers, caregivers, HCP, or prescription users) based on non-sensitive data such as age, location, gender, HHI, and education level.

This data foundation is not ID-based and does not include personal health information (PHI), making AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences HIPAA and privacy compliant by design. Also, because AdTheorent audiences are not ID-dependent, their efficacy and accuracy are not undermined by poor ID match rates during audience activation, and privacy compliance is not dependent on implementing standard measures to “dilute” ID-based condition sufferer data with other non-value added data.

Significantly, AdTheorent only delivers an impression when AdTheorent’s predictive models indicate a higher probability that an ad opportunity will both be served within the customized target audience and lead to completion of an advertiser-specified campaign action (i.e., prescription fill, digital action, Audience Quality, etc.). Each AdTheorent Health Predictive Audience model evaluates 900 impression-specific signals and millions of potential impressions per second to drive performance, and to continuously optimize throughout the campaign, allowing AdTheorent to drive performance for healthcare advertisers.

“AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are powered by AdTheorent’s industry leading machine learning technology, which allows it to identify superior audiences for healthcare advertising campaigns by using statistics and aggregated data as opposed to relying on traditional ‘off the shelf’ audience targeting strategies,” said Vikrant Gandhi, VP of Research at Frost & Sullivan. “AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are fully compliant with healthcare industry privacy requirements and are future-proofed since they are not reliant on cookies or IDs of any kind, which is a significant benefit for AdTheorent Health’s customers and the industry generally,” noted Gandhi.

Key Benefits of AdTheorent Health Audiences:

  • Highly customizable
    • Because AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are built in-house by experienced healthcare-focused data scientists and analysts, AdTheorent Health customers have 100% transparency into the exact data being used to create each audience segment, and customers are encouraged to play an active role in audience creation and refinement. AdTheorent Health’s source data can be tailored to describe or define the precise target audience. AdTheorent Health can choose to leverage any combination of patient and payer data, diagnostic and procedural data, or prescription and pharmacy data to build the defined audience. For example, an audience could be comprised of the following:
      • Patients diagnosed with high cholesterol in the last 24 months, who were given a prescription for a specific pharmaceutical brand product in the last 12 months, which was filled at a specific pharmacy within the last two months.
    • Additionally, AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are custom built, in days not months, which ensures data recency.
  • Accuracy & Scale
    • AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are the most accurate health audiences in the market.
    • Built in-house and not premised on targeting ID-based audiences, AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences do not suffer from “data loss” as do ID-focused solutions when partner ID match rates are less than optimal.
  • Privacy-Forward and Built for Forward-Addressability
    • AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences are created, stored, activated, and optimized without the use of any ID of any kind, making them compliant by design.
  • Performance Focused
    • AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences define the data-driven universe within which AdTheorent predictive targeting scores individual ad impressions for optimization. Custom machine learning models optimize and scale campaigns in real-time, outperforming standard healthcare audiences on campaign success metric such as cost per script lift, audience quality, or digital actions.

“AdTheorent Health Predictive Audiences combine the best of ML-powered predictive advertising with the industry’s most innovative method of audience creation, and we are very excited to bring this new, data-driven approach to market for our healthcare partners,” said James Lawson, CEO of AdTheorent.  “Our team has created a programmatic targeting solution for healthcare advertisers that will drive unprecedented ROI, while leading the industry into a more privacy-forward future.”


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