Five Ways to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

When the motivation for your New Year’s resolution starts to dwindle, here are five ways to get you back on track.

One of the most exciting things about entering a new year is starting it off with a goal to better ourselves. We wake up on the first of January with the most motivation we’ll probably have all year. Unfortunately, it happens far too often that we fall off track accomplishing our New Year’s resolution.
Here are five ways to keep yourself consistently working towards your goals year round.

1. Set a Realistic Goal

While you should never limit yourself from dreaming big, a goal is more manageable if you start off small in the beginning and work your way towards something bigger overall. Choosing
a New Year’s resolution where you can set daily tasks will help you feel a sense of accomplishment every day.
The endorphins that are released from completing these projects will keep you motivated until you’ve reached your completed goal.

2. Write Down Your Plans

Writing down steps to take towards your New Year’s resolution is incredibly helpful, especially if it’s written down somewhere you’re going to look at every day. Calendars and planners are tools to help keep you organized which is key to creating a long- term plan. As a bonus, it gives you a sense of satisfaction when you are physically able to check off the task once completed.

3. Set Yourself Up for the Night Before

Let’s face it, when we first wake up in the morning sometimes we just need a little push to help us get the day started. Taking the time before you go to bed to lay out the physical materials that relate towards your personal goals literally sets you up for success. Not only does it save you time when you wake up, but you’ll be more motivated to complete your daily task if you know it’s already halfway finished.

4. Set Inspirational Reminders on Your Phone

Part of keeping motivation is to constantly remind yourself why you set out on this
journey for success in the first place. There will be moments when you’ll start to question why you are still working on something that is taking so long to achieve or maybe you are just not seeing the results you want fast enough. Setting inspirational quotes as reminders on your phone will help refuel your mind with determination. There are even apps that create them for you so that you don’t have to. For the moments when you feel like giving up, you’ll be notified exactly why you shouldn’t.

5. Keep Researching your Goals

Chances are high that other people have been on the same journey as you and shared their struggles and successes to help others. While you may have already done some research on how to reach your goal, every day new information is generated on the internet. Checking a few times a week to see if there are any new articles, blog posts, or social groups that are related to your New Year’s resolution
can also spark fresh inspiration on seeing it through.


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