Top 3 Tips for Content Creation and Delivery

As the demand for high-quality, trustworthy, and actionable healthcare information grows, the window of time to capture a healthcare professional’s attention seems to narrow. With the majority of HCPs spending thirty minutes or less per workday engaging with medical news or educational content, the influence of peers and key opinion leaders (KOLs) has become increasingly powerful. In fact, according to a 2022 survey, most HCPs (~63%) prefer to hear directly from experts, KOLs, or peers regarding information about the latest in research, trials, and treatments. However, the difference between a direct hit or a missed opportunity in your program’s delivery often relies on a strategic approach to effectively wielding this influence. Here are 3 key strategies to consider for successful peer-to-peer engagements:


Over 90% of surveyed HCPs prefer short-form content presenting concise information that gets to the point.

Think: KOL videos that take less than 5 minutes to watch, or a podcast series with short episodes breaking down one complicated topic. Furthermore, with 85% of physicians consuming medical news and educational content online, designing a user experience that ensures accessibility across tablets, smartphones, and other devices enables HCPs to engage with your content when those precious free minutes present themselves, whether that’s in the office between patient visits or on the go.


Many HCPs report approaching pharma-created content with suspicion of promotional agendas and bias.

Furthermore, a 2023 FDA-backed study found that many HCPs do not accurately interpret clinical trial data presented with certain visual graphics, such as graphs and figures with complex features, and that this uncertainty may impact their prescribing decisions. While preserving accuracy and protecting fair balance, leveraging peer messaging can help streamline and synthesize key information for better reception and comprehension by using, for example, clinical experience anecdotes and plain language. This may require surrendering some control over messaging, but it may be a necessary step toward building credibility, trust, and connection. Additionally, personalization is a cornerstone of effective engagement, with over 70% of physicians expressing a desire for information on clinical trials, treatments, and procedures to reflect the demographics of their patients. Opt for programs that allow HCPs to co-create educational content from messaging and image options that are more likely to resonate with their patients’ unique challenges and needs.

Over 70% of physicians express a desire for information on clinical trials, treatments, and procedures to reflect the demographics of their patients.


How do we know what’s working and what’s not?

Perhaps most importantly, continuous evaluation is essential to refining HCP engagement strategies and boosting impact. The ways in which HCPs engage with content can vary widely by specialty,
age, location, and stage of their professional career, among other factors. Implementing programs with robust dashboards provides valuable insights into HCP engagement, identifies which messages
resonate, and pinpoints areas for improvement.

When utilizing peer influence, a strategic approach that is not just mindful of HCPs’ needs but central to it can forge meaningful connections that drive positive outcomes in healthcare delivery.

Physician Learning Preferences: A Doximity Report. Doximity; 2022.
A Multi-Stakeholder Study: The Future of HCP Engagement Impact. EPG Health; 2023.
Thompson J et al. Healthcare providers’ understanding of data displays of clinical trial information: a scoping review of the literature. J Comm Healthcare. 2023;16(3). 1080/17538068.2022.2150236
  • Allison R. Scerbo
    Allison R. Scerbo

    ELS(D) chief medical editor Bionical Solutions Group

    Allison is the chief medical editor at Bionical Solutions Group. With 15 years’ experience as a healthcare copywriter and scientific editor, Allison believes in the power of strategically crafted, actionable content to drive positive change in patients’ lives. she can be reached at


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